Right.... I know!!
But its for a great charity call "St.Baldricks".
You get people to sponser you... and then they use the money to help fund children's cancer research. If your hair is long enough, they even donate your ponytail to locks of love.
Had I known this, I wouldn't have got my hair cut this summer hahaha.
So, anyways, I'm getting my head shaved on March 8th, and I need everyone's help.
If you would like to help me reach my goal of $500.oo, go here http://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/shavee_info?ParticipantKey=2009-56487#
and help :)
If you go donate, make sure to let me know... there will be a drawing for some hand dyed "nobody Dyes" sock yarn! :D
Also.. since I'm knitterly.. I'm using this oportunity to knit and crochet up a bunch of chemo caps! :) Also to be donated by my bald self!
Maybe this will make me feel better about all of the charity stuff I didn't acomplish last year... hahaha.
Thanks in advance for your help :D
you'll be f'n hot bald
I made a donation. :)
You go girl!
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